Media and Blogs
Can you raise electoral registration with social media ads? (Mark Pack, 4 September 2023)
What do over 500 field experiments tell us works for getting people out to vote? (Never Mind the Bar Charts Podcast, 19 July 2023)
How non-partisan campaigns can rally the troops when the political stakes are high (LSE British Politics and Policy Blog, 22 November 2021)
Women deterred by structural barriers, study finds (Government Europa, 10 September 2019)
Brexit: Sun boycott helped to cut Euroscepticism in Merseyside, study suggests (The Independent, 28 August 2019)
Boycott of pro-Brexit Sun newspaper helped cut Euroscepticism in Merseyside, study claims (Press Gazette, 27 August 2019)
Euroscepticism lower in Liverpool due to decades long boycott of the Sun, study says (iNews, 26 August 2019)
Sun boycott reduced Euroscepticism on Merseyside, study shows (Financial Times, 26 August 2019)
What do the academics say? Handwritten letters work (Mark Pack, 27 September 2016)
How to get politicians to think experimentally (UCL Constitution Unit, 21 January 2016)
But experiments are expensive! (The Woodshed, 19 November 2015)
How issue ownership affects ground campaigns: New evidence from a field experiment with UK Labour (The Plot, 3 September 2015)
Online and on the streets: Labour tests modern methods in Southampton marginal (The Guardian, 2 May 2015)
In languages other than English
¿Manipulamos los medios? (El Pais, Spain, 7 September 2021)
Wie die Boulevardpresse den Brexit beeinflusst (Tagesanzeiger, Switzerland, 17 October 2019)
Die Macht der Boulevardpresse (Süddeutsche Zeitung, Germany, 15 October 2019).
Brexit formato tabloid. L'uscita della Gran Bretagna dall'Ue è iniziata dalla carta. Una ricerca (Il Foglio, Italy, 27 August 2019)
Mediales Dauerfeuer gegen Europa hat gewirkt (Die Presse, Austria, 26 August 2019)
'The Sun' lezen blijkt nefast te zijn voor EU-liefde (De Morgen, Belgium, 26 August 2019)