Currently, I teach the following modules at the LSE:

GV249: Research Design in Political Science

GV319: Experimental Politics

I also regularly contribute lectures and seminars to
GV4N4: Comparative Political Behaviour, GV5X1: Research Design in the Social Sciences and GV264: Politics and Institutions in Europe.

MRes/PhD students:
Asfa Shakeel (PhD), Susannah Hume (PhD, KCL), Len Metson (PhD), Francisco Tomas-Valiente Jorda (PhD, ETH), Isolde Hegemann (PhD), Anton Könneke (MRes/PhD), Charlotte Kuberka (MRes/PhD)

Former PhD students: Dr. Katharina Lawall (Lecturer, University of Reading), Dr. Vanessa Cheng-Matsuno (Lecturer, University of Southampton), Dr. Asli Ceren Cinar (Incoming Assistant Professor, Trinity College Dublin).

Methods teaching:

I also taught a week-long module on
Causal Inference and Field Experiments as part of the IPSA-USP Summer School in Sao Paulo and have co-taught a workshop on field experiments as part of the ICPSR Summer Programme for three years. I regularly teach short-courses in causal inference and field experiments in the UK and internationally. You can find my syllabi below:

Field Experiments 5-Day Workshop Syllabus
Social Media-Based Experiments Syllabus (lecture recording)
Causal Inference 2-Day Workshop Syllabus
Using Facebook as a Research Tool: Experiments on Facebook (lecture recording)


In previous years, I taught the following modules at KCL, the University of Zurich, and the University of Oxford:

Comparative Political Systems (1st year undergraduate core course for all Politics students; taught jointly with Damien Bol, Hanna Kleider and Peter John)

The Political Sociology of Social Networks (KCL, 2018-2019)

Causal Inference (KCL, 2018-2019)

Comparative Public Policy (KCL, 2017)

Statistics for Political Science, computer labs (KCL, 2017)

Do Campaigns Matter? The US Presidential Campaign in Comparative Perspective (Zurich, 2016-2017)

The Policy Lab: Experimenting with Public Policy (Zurich, 2014-2016)

Experimental Political Science (Oxford, 2014)

Tutorials in Political Sociology (Oxford, 2011-2014)

TA Research Methods/Quantitative Methods (Oxford, 2014)
